Sunday, August 2, 2015

private health the importance of sugarcane jice

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The Importance of Sugarcane Juice:

How benefit does sugarcane juice bring, but according to advice of predecessor, I make habit of drinking sugarcane juice every week. In the first 3 months, because of morning sickness I could not drink much sugarcane juice; but from the 4th month, my eating situation has been improved and that juice becomes my favorite drink for me every day. Know taste of wife, my husband orders a glass of sugarcane juice for me daily. Although drinking sugarcane juice every day, properly I do not know much about the effect of this drink in pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, my mother said that trying to drink lots of sugarcane juice helped my baby be clean and less viscous. That is conception of the old, so I do not pay attention much. However, refer to books and magazines, according to Oriental medicine, sugarcane juice tastes sweet, neutral temper, has effect on cooling, refreshing, detoxifying, removing sputum, preventing nausea, treating fever, red urine, and is very nutritious. About nutritional value, many studies have shown that in the body of sugarcane, beside basic ingredients - variety of sugar – which count for about 70%, it also contains protein and fat, carbohydrate, many minerals, vitamins and nearly 30 types of organic acid. Therefore, sugarcane not only tastes light sweet suitable for everyone, but also provides your body energy and necessary nutrients.
The story on the advantage of sugarcane juice for pregnant women does not stop here. I have just discovered a great benefit of this drink - treatment for morning sickness - when I visited my friend. My best friend since university has been pregnant for 2 months. I heard that her morning sickness was very serious, so my husband and I decided to come over her house and shared experience of pregnancy. But we saw that she did not have nausea or any symptoms of morning sickness. When asking, she said that she had treated that phenomenon a few days before, but before that she could not eat anything and just had sickness all day. She said that her neighbor suggested her simple and efficient tip for treating morning sickness by sugarcane juice. I was quite surprised because I used to drink it but not effective with my morning sickness. She told me that I had to take it with the right way. And then we paid attention to listening to her introduce about remedy for treating morning sickness with sugarcane juice. Although going over the period of morning sickness, I still wanted to learn in order to apply for next time and presented to other people. The remedy for treating morning sickness of my friend is using a small bowl of sugarcane juice about 150 ml, adding 5ml ginger juice, and drinking that mixture 2 -3 times a day. Take that drink continuously in 2 – 3 days, and phenomenon of morning sickness will reduce obviously. If you still feel nausea, you can drink it until completely recover. Looking radiant face of my friend that day, I know that the remedy is very efficacious. If any pregnant woman has morning sickness, please try this remedy. However, you need to buy fresh sugarcane juice or make it by yourself. In addition, drinking sugarcane juice during pregnancy is very good for both mother and baby; but it contains high sugar, so you should not drink too much. If pregnant women are suffered from diabetes, they need to consult doctor before taking that drink regularly.

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