Tuesday, June 23, 2015

private health the importance of salt in our body

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We get too much salt in our foods today. Too much salt will cause high blood pressure, water retention (swelling), kidney problems, heart problems and the list goes on. We are told a low-salt or salt-free diet is best for good health. 2000 years ago salt was used as money. Gold and salt had the same value. The word salary comes from salt. In the old days, salt was used to preserve foods. Today, we have refrigeration, so less salt is required except for maybe curing meats. All warm blooded animals must have salt to live. The human brain and spine is in a sac of salt water called CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). This liquid circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord. We all spent approx 9 months in our mothers belly floating in salt water (amniotic fluid). Our tears are salty and we sweat salt. Our bones are hollow in the center (marrow) where blood cells are made. The marrow is covered with many strands of calcium salts, the way rope is woven together. Salt crystals are woven in with the calcium and these salt crystals are what make our bones hard, not the calcium. 27% of the body’s salt content is located in the bones. When the body requires more salt it can borrow it from the bones. When this happens, calcium is also removed with the salt making the bones thinner, softer and brittle. Salt is made up of sodium and chlorine. Together they are called Sodium chloride (Na Cl). Sodium is a soft positive charged metal where chlorine is a negative charged gas that becomes a liquid when put under pressure. Chlorine is a gas/liquid but somehow when the earth was formed the chlorine Became a solid with the sodium and trace minerals.
You can crush the salt crystals into a powder and the chlorine stays with the sodium. Chlorine as a solid is called chloride. The salt we use today comes from our oceans, lakes or salt mines. In addition to sodium and chlorine, all the salt on planet earth comes with many trace minerals mixed into it. So we can assume that these trace minerals are very important or they would Not be combined with the salt. Because of the commercial value of these minerals they are removed in order to make big profits. The human body is able to split the chlorine from the sodium as needed. Our blood requires chlorine as do many of our organs. The stomach uses chlorine to make hydrochloric acid required so we can digest our food correctly. Our body also uses the sodium chloride as salt to keep the brain, spine, tears, bones, sweat glands, organs and blood topped off with salt. The body benefits from the other trace minerals that help keep the body alkaline and healthy. Just as drinking too much plain water can kill a person (hyponatremia). The same thing is true with taking too much salt, it can cause swelling, diarrhea, and death. Table salt is purified by removing the trace minerals and heating the salt to 1200^o F. Now all you have is 40% sodium and 60% chloride then an anti-caking agent is added so it won’t stick together. Too much sodium can happen from eating too many food additives containing sodium as a binder (sort of a glue). Sodium is not salt. Salt is sodium chloride. Sodium bicarbonate, sodium benzoate and MSG (mono sodium glutamate) are just a few of these additives. Sodium, potassium and chloride are electrolytes (special minerals) that dissolve in water and carry electrical charges anywhere there is water in the body. These electrically charged minerals can freely move into a cell and back out again carrying nutrients in and removing waste products and excess water as to keep the cell balanced. At the same time as these electrolytes move in and out of the cells making their exchanges, a delicate balance of potassium inside the cell must be maintained with a special amount of sodium and chloride to hold the potassium in the center of the cell. Electrolytes are found in all fluids of the body and carry impulses along your nerves. This helps your muscles, like the heart and diaphragm, contract and relax. Electrolytes carry glucose (blood sugar) into the cell after insulin opens the door or gate for the sugar to be taken in. Electrolytes also turn “cation pumps” that generate electricity which is stored in the Mg ATP and Mg GTP batteries of the body. If a person loses too many of these electrolytes from having diarrhea or from Taking a water pill (diuretic) they can become very sick and must go to the hospital and receive IVs of saline (salt water), dextrose (sugar water) and minerals. Many of our beverages today contain caffeine that is a diuretic, acting as a water pill, causing a water shortage in the body. Nothing replaces plain water according to Dr Batman. Scientists and doctors still don’t know how salt dissolves in water or how it can keep getting saltier and saltier. Scientists and chemists have some theories but can’t prove any of them.

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